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Dress Code
ECC Dress Code
Students and Parents
A Dress Code is implemented to ensure modesty with the intent to glorify Christ. Our goal should be to minimize the focus on the body or outward appearance and maximize the focus on the body of Christ, learning, and following the commands of the Bible.
Females: No midriffs or cleavage exposed. No undergarments or private parts may be exposed. Shorts and skirts must be at fingertips or longer. No tight shirts. A young lady must keep modesty as her focus: tight–fitting, low-cut, midriff revealing shirts, slacks or skirts are inappropriate. The midriff must be covered at all times. Leggings can be worn as long as tops cover their rumps! No short tops should be worn with leggings. No spaghetti strap or tube tops permitted. If athletic shorts are worn, the legs of the shorts must remain tight to the leg to eliminate the shorts from opening up when seated.
Males: No shoulders (tank tops or muscle shirts) may be exposed. No short shorts. No undergarments or private parts may be exposed.
Nut Free Campus
Nut Free Campus
Due to a number of families with allergies. We are a NUT FREE campus.
Sick Policy
Sick Policy
Please DO NOT bring your child if he/she is not feeling well.
A guideline for illness would include the following symptoms within the last 24 hours:
- Vomiting or diarrhea
- Fever
- Cold/Flu symptoms including coughing and/or discolored mucus
- Chicken pox and similiar illness must be fully scabbed over (usually 10-14 days after onset of rash)
- Covid 19 positive cases in the home warrant all family members to stay home for that co-op meeting
Attendance Policy
We cannot make ECC be all that we want it to be without our families attendance each week. We ask that you miss NO MORE than two weeks out of the semester. We do allow additional absesnces for sickness.
If you are going to miss for any reason it is your responsiblity to notify the board member in charge of absences as well as your co-teacher.
Inclement Weather
In case of inclement weather, Co-op will not meet if the school district of the host church is closed. If other conditions make it necessary to cancel classes, each family will be notified by text and email.
Cleaning Duty
Cleaning Duty
In an effort to show our gratitude towards our host church's generosity in opening their facility to us each week. We work hard to leave the church building in even better shape than we find it each week. We do so by rotating our members through a cleaning duty list. Cleaning is typcialy completeled within 15-20 minutes of the close of assembly. Each mom is typcially asked to clean only 2-3 times per semester. Specific instructions on what cleaning is required will be posted along with all necessary cleaning supplies.
Substitute Policy
Substitute Policy
It is our hope that every parent has the opportunity to grow relatinoships with the other moms/dads in our co-op. We aim to afford every parent the option of one hour off to socialize, in the designated parent lounge. There are times, however, that we have families out due to sickness or other preapproved reasons. When these situations arise, we pull from this group of parents to use as our substitute teachers. Please realize that if you are called upon to be a substitute that we need you to be a team player. Just as others are for you in the event of your absence.
General expectations – Everyone participating in Co-op (adults and children) is expected to behave in ways that enhance our children's studies through a Christian environment. Adults are expected to be the examples in this area, treating other adults and students with respect and courtesy.
Conflict Resolution
Based on Jesus' teachings regarding restoration of fellowship between brethren following an offense (Matthew 18:15-17,) the following procedure will be followed when controversial issues arise:
1. If anyone has a concern about the behavior of any adult or child involved in the Co-op, he or she should first approach that adult (or parent if regarding a child) privately, one-on-one, in a Christ-like manner.
2. If the matter cannot be resolved privately (the adult or child denies the behavior or the behavior continues,) the concern may be brought to the attention of any board member. That board member must then take the issue to the administrator in written or verbal form. The administrator along with the notified board member will then meet with the two conflicting parties in an attempt to reach a resolution.
3. If the matter cannot be resolved under the guidance of the administrator, the conflicting parties may attempt resolution before the entire board.
4. If the matter still cannot be resolved to the board's satisfaction, the administrator and another designated board member, with the approval by majority vote of a quorum of the board, may ask the adult and/or child not to return to co-op for the remainder of the current semester or, if the behavior is severe, permanently.